SCL Career Leaders

                                                   Second Chance Baseball League
I. League Description

 The Second Chance Baseball League, founded in 2016, is a Centralized League that utilizes the most recent version of the Diamond Mind Baseball game (currently version 11) and will use Diamond Mind Home Brewed seasons, starting with the 1910 Season and moving forward
 The purpose of the League is to have a DMB League that promotes fun, GM participation, a historical perspective of the greatest players in the game, and the chance to develop new acquaintances of like-minded baseball fans. Strategy and luck will play a part in your teams’ success.
All Players that played in the corresponding seasons will be used.
My goal is to play a minimum of  2 seasons per year, so strict deadlines will be used.

II. Playing Requirements

 Since this is a Centralized League all games will be played on the Commissioners computer. It is not necessary that you own the DMB program, or the season disk but it will enhance your enjoyment of the league if you own the DMB software.

There are no dues or fees to play in the league.

III. League Hierarchy

A. League Commissioner-Kevin Graham

 1. Will be responsible for setting up the current season (draft, stadiums, teams, schedule, etc)
 2. Will be responsible for simulating all League games.
 3. Will be responsible for updating all stats, and website. (Unless designated to another League GM)  
 4. Has the authority to take any necessary actions which are deemed in the best interest of the league.

B. Rules and Trade Committee
  1. Consisits of  8 Gms that will approve all flagged trades. Trades will be allowed with  a 5 of  8 committee membersapproval.
       2.  Will vote on all proposed rule changes.  All rule changes will be implemented with a 6 of  8 committee member approval.

C.     League Members

    1. Are responsible for meeting various deadlines and responding to communications as required by the Commissioner.
    2. Will be responsible for maintaining Manager Profiles, as required by league rules.
    3. Will be able to participate in all aspects of the league.

IV. League Organization

A. General Information

The League will consist of 14 teams divided into two 7-team leagues. (American and National)
With the expansion for the 1920 season the League will consist of 16 teams, with no further expansion plans for the foreseeable future. The length of each season will be 154 Games. Most series will be 5 games long with games being played on Mon, Wed, and Fri. nights. Any roster moves must be submitted by 4:00pm ET on game day to be applied to that night's games. 15 games will be played each week.
Minimal Inter -League play will be utilized.

B. Game Settings are as follows:

·               Injuries will be turned off.
·               Weather effects are turned on
·               Clutch and Jam ratings are in effect
·               There will be no DH

C. Naming of Teams
Your team name is strictly up to you. Be creative, play as the Bayonne Bombers, or play as the Chicago Cubs. It's up to you

D. Stadiums
 An initial stadium draft will be held prior to the player draft. The stadium that you choose will be yours for the duration of the season. If you pick Yankee Stadium or Wrigley Field they will be yours for as many seasons as you want. You may change your stadium only prior to the start of a new season.
If more than one GM wishes to change stadiums after any season they will be allowed to do so. A random drawing will be made to establish the draft order. Any stadium in the DB will be eligible. The Stadiums will be picked prior to the draft.
A list will be provided prior to making your picks.
The stadium draft will be done via email and will follow a strict deadline.

V. Draft

Initial Draft- A random drawing will determine the inaugural draft. A snake draft will be utilized.
            1. Draft will be only 12 rounds long.
            2. The computer will draft the next 13 rounds to get your roster to 25.
            3. When draft is complete you will be allowed 1 free agent move to fill/improve your roster. You will drop 1 player and pick up a player from the remaining players.   The draft ending free agent signing must be used to fill any gaps. If you are short of ABs per position (575 ABs+) (1400 IP+) you must use this free-agent move to take care of this. You can't just use this move to grab
a sleeper pick if you're short of needed ABs or IPs. This free-agent move is a continuation of the draft and needs to be made before any trade takes place.The order of this final draft will be the reverse order of the main draft.
Each team will drop a player when it is your turn, and pick an available player from the pool of players. The dropped player will then be available to be picked by the remaining teams.
The draft will be done via email and will follow a strict deadline.

The draft will start after the finalization of the current league file, and all necessary player files are made available to the Gms. This will be a soft draft with an extended deadline. When the free agent files are sent out the 1st pick must be made within 48 Hours. The 2nd pick within 24 hours of the 1st pick. 3rd pick within 12 hours of the 2nd pick.  The 4th pick and beyond would have 8 hours from the previous pick. The half hour deadline draft would not start for at least a week. Most likely on a Friday.  This will allow Gms to do their research, while also allowing for the 1st couple of rounds to be completed(hopefully) before the deadline draft starts. A draft window of 30 minutes will be set starting at 9:00am ET and end at 9:00 pm ET each day.
This will allow 2 rounds to be completed per day.

9:00 am-9:30- Team A makes a pick
9:30-10:00- Team B makes a pick.
And so on until 8:30pm-9:00 pm
If a GM misses their draft window, they will be skipped over for the next GM to make a pick. If you miss a deadline, you may make a pick at any time to catch up.

Sending a small list of draft choices each day should prevent you from being skipped and will help expedite the draft.  

Subsequent Drafts-

You will be allowed to keep 16 for the next season, as long as they have met the 50% usage rule.(Explained below)
16 Keepers(50% rule applies) The 16 Keepers must be players that were on your current season roster, they cannot be players acquired in pre-season trades.
Any trades for players, at season’s end and before the draft will not count toward your keepers.
Limit of  2 players starting with the 1920 draft.
    You can only trade for a total of 2 players. If you receive 2 players in a trade (s) you are done trading players.
It should also apply to trading away 2 players.     Any combination of 2 players leaving and joining your team will reach the player trade limit

When it’s all said and done the only rule is: The computer will always draft your final 8 players.
If you have just 16 Keepers-you draft 6 manually, the computer drafts your final 8 picks.
If you have just 12 Keepers- you draft 10 manually to get to 22, the computer drafts your final 8.
If you have 16 keepers and an additional 2 players acquired by trade- you manually draft 4 players, the computer drafts the final 8.
If you have 16 Keepers, plus 5 draft picks in the 1st 2-3 rounds. You would have just 1 more manual pick after the 3rd round, the computer drafts the final 8.
When You reach 22 players on your active roster, you are done drafting, the computer will finish your final 8 picks.
    Your manual picks will always end when your roster reaches 22, the computer will always draft your last 8 picks to reach 30.

The Draft order for future drafts will be determined as follows:
1-10 to be determined by weighted ping pong lottery.
5 Balls for team with worst record. 4 for next worst, 3, 2, & 1 ball for all remaining non-Playoff teams
11- Worst record of Wild Card loser
12- Best record of Wild Card loser
13- Worst record of Playoff  loser
14- Best Record of Playoff loser
15. World Series loser
16. World Series Winner
No team can have the #1 pick in consecutive drafts. If the lottery selects a team for the 1st pick that had the previous drafts #1 pick, they will be moved to the #2 pick.
The 4th place team in each division will receive 2 ping pong balls in the lottery. (This is seen as an incentive for  non playoff teams to play to win for  a chance at a higher draft slot)

The draft will be a straight draft for the entire draft..
This should benefit the lower ranked teams from the previous season.

The GM will draft his players until the roster reaches 22 The computer would make the remaining picks until it reaches 30.
There will be no trades allowed during the draft.

You will again be able to make 1 roster move before the start of the season.

EXPANSION: This will happen for the 1920 season.
At the end of 1919 existing teams will only be allowed to start the draft with 18 active players.   You can make the usual post season trades but the player cap will be set at 18 . This should help the expansion teams find a couple of   decent free agents. The 2 new teams will draft from the pool of released players until they get to 16. They will receive a single ping pong ball for the pre draft lottery.  

VI. Free Agent signings/Trades
You will be able to make just 3 free agent moves at any time during the season, starting after the 40 game mark(approx) And will not be allowed to exceed the 25 man limit. Only 1 free agent move can be made in the course of a single week's play

Free Agents will need to reach a 50% usage from the time of signing to be eligible as a carry over player.
EXAMPLE: A free agent is signed at the 40 game mark. Since this is the 28% mark of the season this free agent would need to only reach 36% usage.
70 game Free Agent -25%
100 game Free Agent- 14%

1. All trades must be announced to the entire league, and will be listed as pending for 24 Hrs.

2. This will allow all Gms in the League to question the fairness of the trade. The GM that is questioning any trade must provide a reason.  If after 24 hours and there have been no concerns registered, the trade will be allowed. (This is not something that can be abused. We are not looking to question every trade.)

3. If a trade is questioned, the Trade Committee will vote on the approval of this trade. This will be done with a 24 HR deadline. It must be approved by 5 of the 8 Committee members.

4. Any Committee member that is involved in the trade will not have a vote.

5. No trades will be allowed that include draft picks or players that extend beyond the next season. (Example: You cannot trade a player of a draft pick  in 1920, for a player or a draft pick in 1922.)

6. The trade deadline will be at the 120 game mark.

7.  Limit the number of in-season trades to 4 per team. This would be any trade made after the draft and before that season's playoffs. (The 2 trade limit in the pre-season is still the same)

VII. Eligible Players

  Any player that has more than 20 Abs and 10 Ips must meet the 50% usage rule to be eligible as a carry over player.

Beginning in 1911 Negro League players will be eligible. Only Negro League stats will be used. Cuban League and Mexican league stats will not be used.
  For your future seasonal research please note that these adjustments will occur.
If Rogers Hornsby hits .420 to lead MLB, and Oscar Charleston hits .450 to lead the Negro leagues, he will be adjusted down to the .420 range. (The DMB game engine will do it's magic??? to determine which player will lead the league.) The other stats that will be adjusted will include, but not be limited to OB%, SLG%, WHIP, ERA, and HRs.
Also, the number of ABs and IPs for Negro League players has always been adjusted up or down based on several criteria.
   Most of the players have received a 2.7 multiplier. (Beginning in 1921, the maximum multiplier will be 2.5 )If this put the player over 300IP, or 600 ABs the multiplier was adjusted down. 3 reasons: (1) with the 10% burnout, these players will be full-time without the additional ABs or IPs,(no need to adjust a pitcher to 350 IP, these innings will not be used) (2) It makes it easier for a GM to reach 50% usage. (3) If a player has really shitty stats, but future potential, he may be designated as Driftwood/
Also, there are a ton of Negro League players that have just a couple of ABs, or IPs in a season that I don't include in the file. If a player is not in the file but has future potential, I'll include him. If he has no future potential, he will not be included.

Beginning  at season’s end 1922, and moving forward, select Negro League Players will be eligible for Driftwood status despite having stats in 1923. If they have poor stats, or very minimal stats their stats will be zeroed out and will qualify as a driftwood player. This is being done to minimize the number of  Negro League Players  that need to be inputted in the file.  Inputting 150+ players per season is extremely time consuming, so this will (hopefully) keep the number of Negro League players around 120. Once the players have been inputted any designated driftwood player will be announced to the GM of the team they are currently on..

Driftwood Players-These are players on your roster, that are eligible to carry over, but are inactive for the next season, do to injury or war service.
This player will not count in your carry over total, or your roster total.
Up to 3 players may be included in this list.
NOTE-It is up to the GM to inform the Commissioner of any driftwood players you would like to retain. This must be done before the draft.
If a driftwood eligible player is not retained, he will only be available for draft his next active season.

A. Regular Season Rosters
Maximum of 30 players at the start of the season. It would increase to 33 with the addition of in season free agent picks.(These numbers would increase as the historical rosters increase)
Maximum of   25 active,(Minimum of 22 active) and must include at least 2 catchers and 6 pitchers.
 Roster moves can be made before the start of a 5 game series, but must be communicated to the Commish. by  4pm ET on the day of the games. M/W/F

      In the final month of the season all players (not over their usage limitations) on the roster can be active.

B. Post Season Rosters
   25 player maximum per series. Player must meet eligibility standards, as defined below.

To be eligible to play in the playoffs a player must have had 15+ Real-life Innings Pitched, and 25+ Real-life At Bats.

An active roster must be set at the start of the Playoffs and again for the World Series. If a player burns out(see below) his roster spot will not be replaced

IX. Player Usage Restrictions

A. Regular Season
Limited to 110% number of total plate appearances.

  Batters may only play at a position that is rated by the DB. If a player appears in less than 20 games at a position, he can only be used for 2X that total.. If   he has 20+ games at a position he can be utilized full time at that position. (An  OFer ranked at  just one OF position can be used in Center, Left or Right)  Example: Player A plays 15 games at shortstop, and 22 games at 2nd. This player can be used a maximum of   30 games at short, and full time at 2nd  base,.


Pitchers are limited to 110% of IP as determined by the DMB engine.
Starters may be used as relievers, even if they do not have a reliever rating,(Although performance may suffer) and relievers may be used to start if they have a starter rating.

Usage Penalties-
There will be no penalties if a player exceeds their allotted playing time, because it is the responsibility of the Commish/Pres to ensure compliance. When a player reaches the 110% playing limit the Commish/Pres will farm this player before the start of the next series. If a player is at 109% before the start of a series he can be used for that series, and may go over the 110% limit without penalty. The GM will be notified by the Commish/Pres and the GM must reply to the Commish/Pres of any roster changes before the start of the next series.

Minimum Usage Rule

In order to remain on a team's roster the player must be utilized a minimum of 50% of his ABs or IPs. If he does not meet this minimum he will become a free agent at the end of the season.   
If a player has a dual rating(pitcher and hitter) he must be utilized 50% at his primary position to be carried over.  
Example: Player A has 200 IP, but is also used as a position player getting 300 as a pitcher and a position player. He must be used 50% as a pitcher to qualify as a keeper. If Player B has 50 IP, and 400 Abs as a pitcher and a position player he must have 50% as a hitter to qualify as a keeper.  
If a mid season trade occurs the player must reach a combined 50% usage to remain on the roster.

Any player that has more than 20 Abs and 10 Ips must meet the 50% usage rule to be eligible as a carry over player.

Example- Player A has 19 real time Abs. He does not have to reach a 50% usage to be eligible for carry over.
Player B has 50 Abs. He must get at least 25 Abs to be eligible for carry over.
This rule not only forces you to use the players that you draft, if you want to keep them, but it also forces you to play a future prospect that had a terrible statistical year.

Example- Player C has a terrible rookie campaign in 1915. 300 Abs with a .210 average. His next 4 seasons he's a league leader. You would need to play this bum, to make sure he stays on your roster to get the benefit of his next 4 seasons.

Error Ratings- Any player with more than 50 Abs with an error rating of   0 for any position other than their primary position will be set at 100.


At the end of the regular season, the top 3 teams in each league will advance to the Playoffs. The #2 and #3 teams will play in a best of 5 series  with the winning team facing off against the #1 team in a best of 7 series, with that winner advancing to the World Series.
In the event of a regular season tie for 1st place or the Wild Card, one additional game will be played to break the tie. In the event of a 3-way tie, the team with the best head-to-head record among those 3 teams will play one game vs the winner of  a 1-game play-in between the other 2 teams.

   To be eligible to play in the playoffs a player must have had 15+ Real-life Innings Pitched, and 25+ Real-life At Bats.

The 5 game series will be a 2-2-1 format.
All 7 game series will use the 2-3-2 format with the League winner having home field advantage.

Rosters will be set at 25 for the Playoffs and the World Series.

A player can only be utilized for 10% of his current SCL totals in each round of the post season. Example: If Player A had only 50 abs during the regular season he will be limited to 5 ABs in the Playoffs and World Series. A pitcher that has just 20 IP in the regular season will be available for 2 IP in either round of the post season.
You must use a player at their primary regular season position. If Player x played 1 game at short and 30 games at 2b, he is not eligible to play SS.
If you have a reliever that did not start a single game this season he cannot be used as a starter.
If you have a player that did not appear in a game before 9/1 they are not eligible.

World Series
Rosters will be set at 25. And following the usage restrictions as stated for the playoffs. Players that may have exceeded the 10% rule in the playoffs, will be eligible for the World Series. The 10% rule will still apply, same as the playoffs.
The format will be 2-3-2 with the team with the best record during the season having home field.

XI. Expansion-To occur for the 1912 season and again for 1920


Rule Changes- Any initial changes will be done before the draft. Once the draft starts there will be no changes. Any GM can suggest a rule change. All changes will be open for discussion, and any change would not take effect until the following season.

Logos-  If you have a team logo that you designed yourself we will gladly use it. If you would like us to try to design one for you, we can do that as well.

All Star Game

Will be played at mid season.
The Commissioner  will pick the stadium, alternating leagues each season.
Players will be determined by the Commissioner or any GM volunteer.

2 players will be picked for 1b, 2b, ss, 3b, c.
6 OFers will be picked
6 Pitchers
There will be 1 Commissioner pick
For a total roster of 23

Post Season Awards

Honus Wagner Hitter of The Year Award- for position players only. GMs will place ballots for 1st/2nd/3rd place   

Addie Joss Pitcher of The Year Award   -GMs will place ballots for 1st/2nd/3rd place.   

Rube Foster Rookie of The Year Award- Any player that is playing his debut season will be eligible.

Team Hall Of Fame:

Each GM can pick a player to be inducted to their Team Hall Of Fame. To be included on their team page.

The rules are:

1. The player must be retired.
2. The player must have played a minimum of 5 seasons on that team.
3. 1 player can be picked each season, starting with the current 1923 season.

Second Chance League Hall Of Fame:


1. The player must be retired.
2. He must have played a minimum of 8 seasons in the SCL.
3. He must appear on 75% of the ballots(12-16)
4. If the player does not receive at least 1 vote he will be removed from future ballots.
5. You MUST vote for at least 8 players on each ballot. (we could make this 10 if you'd like)

Kevin Graham- Commissioner