SCL Career Leaders

                           Org batting leaders -- Second Chance League                             

                                Regular season -- as of 9/30/1929                                  

--------Batting average-------     ------On-base percentage------     ------Slugging percentage-----


Waner,L        FV         .382     Stearnes       QC         .455     Smith, C       GHG        .672

Hendrick       SR         .381     Smith, C       GHG        .452     Herman         PC         .635

Dixon, R       JCS        .381     Riggins        JCS        .448     Dixon, R       JCS        .627

Smith, C       GHG        .380     Herman         PC         .447     Klein          SR         .624

Herman         PC         .376     Dixon, R       JCS        .446     Ruth           GP         .622

Lloyd          SUN        .372     Foxx           IR         .446     Stearnes       QC         .605

Terry          FV         .369     Charleston     CCT        .441     Beckwith       KM         .592

Stearnes       QC         .367     Beckwith       KM         .441     Gehrig         GP         .592

O'Doul         GHG        .363     Hendrick       SR         .433     Ott            GP         .569

Cuyler         IR         .360     Lloyd          SUN        .430     Wells, W       VV         .560

Wilson, J      GHG        .354     Russell        PC         .428     Foxx           IR         .558

Beckwith       KM         .352     Wilson, J      GHG        .428     O'Doul         GHG        .552

Gehringer      WS         .352     Gehrig         GP         .427     Hendrick       SR         .544

Klein          SR         .351     Scales         GHG        .426     Hornsby        GP         .542

Foxx           IR         .350     Gardner, J     SUN        .422     Gehringer      WS         .532

Manush         BT         .349     Cuyler         IR         .421     Wilson         VV         .523

Johnson, Ju    PC         .349     O'Doul         GHG        .419     Alexander      SP         .520

Douthit        SUN        .342     Ruth           GP         .419     Waner,L        FV         .519

Ruth           GP         .342     Waner,L        FV         .418     Cuyler         IR         .516

Charleston     CCT        .339     Ott            GP         .418     Lazzeri        BT         .507



-------------Hits-------------     -------------Runs-------------     --------Runs batted in--------


Waner,L        FV          248     Smith, C       GHG         168     Smith, C       GHG         189

Smith, C       GHG         243     Stearnes       QC          165     Klein          SR          169

Terry          FV          241     Wilson, J      GHG         161     Ruth           GP          165

Dixon, R       JCS         238     Scales         GHG         160     Dixon, R       JCS         165

Lloyd          SUN         238     Ott            GP          152     Simmons        JCS         155

Wilson, J      GHG         238     Bell, CP       JCS         152     O'Doul         GHG         153

Gehringer      WS          238     Wells, W       VV          142     Beckwith       KM          148

Stearnes       QC          232     Riggins        JCS         136     Herman         PC          138

O'Doul         GHG         231     Hornsby        GP          136     Dihigo         GHG         137

Hornsby        GP          227     Charleston     CCT         134     Alexander      SP          137

Klein          SR          226     Foxx           IR          133     Gehrig         GP          135

Bell, CP       JCS         226     Rogan          WW          132     Wells, W       VV          134

Lundy          CCT         226     Washington, P  QC          131     Foxx           IR          131

Herman         PC          222     Gehringer      WS          131     Hafey          SP          129

Johnson, Ju    PC          222     Lundy          CCT         127     Wilson         VV          129

Traynor        FV          222     Gardner, J     SUN         127     Douthit        SUN         127

Douthit        SUN         219     Herman         PC          126     Waner,L        FV          127

Wells, W       VV          219     Beckwith       KM          125     Jones, J.      CCT         126

Averill        PC          218     Judge          VV          125     Stearnes       QC          125

Cuyler         IR          217     Cuyler         IR          122     Hurst          QC          121



                           Org batting leaders -- Second Chance League                             

                                Regular season -- as of 9/30/1929                                  

------------Doubles-----------     ------------Triples-----------     -----------Homeruns-----------


Manush         BT           41     Waner,L        FV           19     Smith, C       GHG          52

Gehringer      WS           40     Russell        PC           15     Ruth           GP           49

Cannady        SUN          39     Gehringer      WS           14     Klein          SR           47

Scales         GHG          37     Averill        PC           14     Gehrig         GP           44

Heilmann       VV           35     Herman         PC           13     Stearnes       QC           43

Beckwith       KM           33     Dixon, R       JCS          13     Ott            GP           41

Frederick      SR           33     White, C       CCT          12     Foxx           IR           37

Hornsby        GP           33     Duncan F.L.    PC           11     Wells, W       VV           37

Dixon, R       JCS          32     Alexander      SP           11     Beckwith       KM           36

Allen, N.      SUN          32     Rogan          WW           11     Wilson         VV           35

Ott            GP           31     Lundy          CCT          11     Simmons        JCS          35

Hafey          SP           29     Davis, SA      GHG          10     Herman         PC           34

Johnson        WS           29     Harding        SR           10     O'Doul         GHG          33

Fonseca        PC           28     Hubbard        KM            9     Dixon, R       JCS          32

Lloyd          SUN          28     Porter         SUN           9     Hornsby        GP           31

Haas           IR           28     Waner,P        GHG           9     Alexander      SP           30

Wilson, J      GHG          28     Manush         BT            9     Dihigo         GHG          28

Williams, H    FV           27     Traynor        FV            9     Lazzeri        BT           27

Dykes          QC           27     Young, T       SUN           8     Hurst          QC           27

Judge          VV           26     Bartell        PC            8     Rogan          WW           26



--------Extra base hits-------     ---------Stolen bases---------     -------Steal percentage-------


Smith, C       GHG          80     Bell, CP       JCS       74-15     Wells, W       VV         .895

Dixon, R       JCS          77     Wilson, J      GHG       51-19     Charleston     CCT        .889

Klein          SR           77     Dixon, R       JCS       45-17     Thomas, C      SP         .848

Ott            GP           73     Riggins        JCS       44-21     Bell, CP       JCS        .831

Herman         PC           72     Taylor, L      SP        41-14     Russ           KM         .813

Gehringer      WS           72     Rogan          WW        37-15     Cuyler         IR         .773

Hornsby        GP           70     Smith, Cl.     BT        31-11     Fonseca        PC         .765

Beckwith       KM           69     Thomas, C      SP         28-5     Smith, C       GHG        .758

Gehrig         GP           66     Stearnes       QC        27-16     Taylor, L      SP         .745

Wells, W       VV           65     Smith, C       GHG        25-8     Gardner, J     SUN        .742

Ruth           GP           64     Allen, N.      SUN       24-12     Smith, Cl.     BT         .738

Stearnes       QC           62     Gardner, J     SUN        23-8     Washington, P  QC         .737

Alexander      SP           62     Scales         GHG        20-9     Cannady        SUN        .731

Averill        PC           59     Cannady        SUN        19-7     Wilson, J      GHG        .729

Manush         BT           58     Wells, W       VV         17-2     Dixon, R       JCS        .726

Simmons        JCS          58     Cuyler         IR         17-5     Rogan          WW         .712

Hafey          SP           57     Charleston     CCT        16-2     Harding        SR         .696

Scales         GHG          57     Harding        SR         16-7     Scales         GHG        .690

Wilson         VV           56     Washington, P  QC         14-5     Jones, J.      CCT        .688

Rogan          WW           56     Russ           KM         13-3     Russell        PC         .684



-------------Walks------------     -------Intentional walks------     ----------Strikeouts----------


Gehrig         GP          116     Herman         PC           36     Hornsby        GP          101

Riggins        JCS         111     Beckwith       KM           30     Wilson         VV          100

Gardner, J     SUN         110     Frisch         CCT          24     Foxx           IR           98

Charleston     CCT         109     Simmons        JCS          21     Washington, P  QC           82

Foxx           IR          108     Gehrig         GP           20     Cuyler         IR           77

Scales         GHG         107     Young, T       SUN          18     Alexander      SP           75

Grantham       KM          105     Stearnes       QC           14     Simmons        JCS          73

Stearnes       QC          105     Foxx           IR           13     Johnson, Ju    PC           72

Ott            GP          101     Palm           GHG          12     Beckwith       KM           72

Russell        PC           98     Dixon, R       JCS          11     Scales         GHG          72

Dihigo         GHG          97     Davis, SA      GHG          10     Rogan          WW           71

Beckwith       KM           95     Charleston     CCT          10     Ruth           GP           70

Smith, C       GHG          93     Sheppard       KM            9     McManus        WS           69

Rogan          WW           89     Suttles        WS            9     Gehrig         GP           69

Herman         PC           87     Combs          IR            7     Dihigo         GHG          69

Wilson, J      GHG          85     Williams       VV            6     English        BT           68

Ruth           GP           84     Walker         SP            6     Kress          WS           67

Cronin         FV           83     Duncan F.L.    PC            6     Allen, N.      SUN          67

Frisch         CCT          82     Swanson        SR            6     Averill        PC           67

Judge          VV           79     Lazzeri        BT            6     Heilmann       VV           65

                           Org batting leaders -- Second Chance League                             

                                Regular season -- as of 9/30/1929                                  

--------Sacrifice bunts-------     --------Sacrifice flies-------     ---------Hit by pitch---------


Melillo        IR           24     Herman         PC           15     White, C       CCT          16

Traynor        FV           20     Rile           BT           13     Riggins        JCS          16

Cronin         FV           14     Smith, C       GHG          13     Washington, J  JCS          15

Earnshaw       WS           12     Rothrock       FV           12     Dixon, R       JCS          15

Lindstrom      WW           11     Ruth           GP           11     Schang         IR           11

Cooper, A      SP            9     Beckwith       KM           11     Dykes          QC           11

Joseph, N.     JCS           9     Douthit        SUN          11     Waner,L        FV           11

English        BT            9     High           FV           10     Douthit        SUN          10

Comorosky      WS            9     Davis, SA      GHG          10     Swanson        SR            8

Harding        SR            9     Frederick      SR           10     Melillo        IR            8

Fonseca        PC            9     Alexander      SP           10     Lazzeri        BT            8

West           WW            8     Wilson         VV           10     Haas           IR            8

Combs          IR            8     Fonseca        PC           10     Stephenson     GHG           7

Terry          FV            8     Simmons        JCS          10     Beckwith       KM            7

Zachary        FV            7     Dixon, R       JCS          10     Fonseca        PC            7

Miller         GP            7     Wells, W       VV           10     Charleston     CCT           7

Hudlin         PC            7     Jones, J.      CCT           9     Wilson, J      GHG           7

Marcell        VV            7     Waner,L        FV            9     Hodapp         SP            6

Thomas, C      SP            7     O'Doul         GHG           9     Spohrer        GP            6

Hayes          SR            7     Cannady        SUN           8     Comorosky      WS            6



--------Ground ball DP--------     ---------Runs created---------     -----Runs created/27 outs-----


Heilmann       VV           30     Smith, C       GHG       202.2     Smith, C       GHG        12.7

Allen, N.      SUN          27     Dixon, R       JCS       180.0     Dixon, R       JCS        11.5

Hornsby        GP           25     Stearnes       QC        173.2     Herman         PC         11.3

Hogan          WS           24     Herman         PC        169.3     Beckwith       KM         10.6

Foxx           IR           24     Beckwith       KM        159.0     Stearnes       QC         10.5

Terry          FV           24     Ruth           GP        157.1     Ruth           GP         10.3

Jackson        QC           22     Klein          SR        154.7     Gehrig         GP          9.8

Fonseca        PC           22     Ott            GP        154.2     Foxx           IR          9.6

Whitney        IR           21     Foxx           IR        150.7     Klein          SR          9.5

Simmons        JCS          21     Gehrig         GP        149.2     Hendrick       SR          9.3

O'Doul         GHG          21     Gehringer      WS        149.0     Ott            GP          9.1

Hurst          QC           20     Wilson, J      GHG       146.6     Waner,L        FV          9.0

Stearnes       QC           20     O'Doul         GHG       146.0     O'Doul         GHG         9.0

Bottomley      WS           19     Waner,L        FV        143.0     Lloyd          SUN         8.7

Rothrock       FV           19     Wells, W       VV        143.0     Gehringer      WS          8.7

Ott            GP           19     Scales         GHG       142.7     Cuyler         IR          8.5

Moore          IR           18     Hornsby        GP        138.7     Wells, W       VV          8.5

McManus        WS           18     Rogan          WW        135.5     Scales         GHG         8.4

Cuyler         IR           18     Lloyd          SUN       134.9     Wilson, J      GHG         8.4

Jenkins, F.    KM           18     Cuyler         IR        132.2     Charleston     CCT         8.2



                           Org batting leaders -- Second Chance League                             

                                Regular season -- as of 9/30/1929                                  

--------Isolated power--------     ---------Total average--------     ----------Total bases---------


Smith, C       GHG        .292     Smith, C       GHG       1.322     Smith, C       GHG         430

Gehrig         GP         .283     Dixon, R       JCS       1.257     Klein          SR          402

Ruth           GP         .280     Herman         PC        1.227     Dixon, R       JCS         392

Klein          SR         .273     Stearnes       QC        1.188     Stearnes       QC          383

Herman         PC         .259     Beckwith       KM        1.162     Herman         PC          375

Dixon, R       JCS        .246     Ruth           GP        1.134     Hornsby        GP          365

Ott            GP         .245     Gehrig         GP        1.128     Ruth           GP          364

Beckwith       KM         .240     Foxx           IR        1.074     Wells, W       VV          363

Stearnes       QC         .239     Ott            GP        1.047     Ott            GP          362

Wells, W       VV         .222     Klein          SR        1.042     Gehringer      WS          360

Palm           GHG        .216     Wilson, J      GHG       1.004     O'Doul         GHG         351

Alexander      SP         .209     Hendrick       SR        1.003     Beckwith       KM          348

Wilson         VV         .209     Riggins        JCS       1.000     Foxx           IR          338

Foxx           IR         .208     O'Doul         GHG        .991     Waner,L        FV          337

Hornsby        GP         .205     Wells, W       VV         .984     Gehrig         GP          336

Simmons        JCS        .204     Rogan          WW         .980     Averill        PC          335

Hafey          SP         .201     Scales         GHG        .980     Alexander      SP          331

Lazzeri        BT         .194     Cuyler         IR         .971     Simmons        JCS         327

O'Doul         GHG        .189     Gehringer      WS         .965     Wilson         VV          326

Rogan          WW         .187     Charleston     CCT        .955     Wilson, J      GHG         324



-----On-base plus slugging----     -------Secondary average------     --------AB per homerun--------


Smith, C       GHG       1.124     Gehrig         GP         .484     Ruth           GP         11.9

Herman         PC        1.081     Smith, C       GHG        .464     Smith, C       GHG        12.3

Dixon, R       JCS       1.074     Grantham       KM         .452     Gehrig         GP         12.9

Stearnes       QC        1.060     Ruth           GP         .422     Klein          SR         13.7

Ruth           GP        1.042     Stearnes       QC         .422     Stearnes       QC         14.7

Beckwith       KM        1.033     Herman         PC         .421     Ott            GP         15.5

Gehrig         GP        1.018     Beckwith       KM         .410     Beckwith       KM         16.3

Klein          SR        1.013     Ott            GP         .407     Foxx           IR         16.4

Foxx           IR        1.003     Dixon, R       JCS        .398     Herman         PC         17.4

Ott            GP         .987     Foxx           IR         .391     Wells, W       VV         17.5

Hendrick       SR         .977     Rogan          WW         .361     Wilson         VV         17.8

O'Doul         GHG        .971     Klein          SR         .340     Simmons        JCS        18.5

Wells, W       VV         .946     Riggins        JCS        .332     O'Doul         GHG        19.3

Gehringer      WS         .942     Wells, W       VV         .330     Palm           GHG        19.3

Waner,L        FV         .938     Scales         GHG        .328     Dixon, R       JCS        19.5

Cuyler         IR         .937     Dihigo         GHG        .324     Lazzeri        BT         20.8

Hornsby        GP         .937     Lazzeri        BT         .319     Alexander      SP         21.2

Wilson, J      GHG        .909     Russell        PC         .306     Dihigo         GHG        21.4

Lloyd          SUN        .908     Wilson         VV         .305     Hornsby        GP         21.7

Scales         GHG        .907     Wilson, J      GHG        .302     Hafey          SP         22.6



------------Atbats------------     -------Plate appearances------     -------------Games------------


Lundy          CCT         680     Wilson, J      GHG         772     Johnson        WS          154

Averill        PC          679     Scales         GHG         767     McManus        WS          154

Gehringer      WS          677     Bell, CP       JCS         760     Gehringer      WS          154

Washington, P  QC          676     Averill        PC          755     Alexander      SP          154

Hornsby        GP          674     Gehringer      WS          754     West           WW          154

Wilson, J      GHG         673     Gardner, J     SUN         754     Cronin         FV          154

Bell, CP       JCS         669     Stearnes       QC          752     Myer           PC          154

Thompson       SR          667     Thompson       SR          749     Kress          WS          154

Traynor        FV          659     Ott            GP          749     Averill        PC          154

Terry          FV          654     Smith, C       GHG         749     Gehrig         GP          154

White, C       CCT         653     Hornsby        GP          747     Simmons        JCS         154

Waner,L        FV          649     Washington, P  QC          745     Haas           IR          154

Scales         GHG         649     Lundy          CCT         744     Foxx           IR          154

Wells, W       VV          648     Rogan          WW          735     Maranville     WW          154

Simmons        JCS         647     Charleston     CCT         732     Swanson        SR          154

Klein          SR          644     Douthit        SUN         723     Frederick      SR          154

Haas           IR          641     Terry          FV          722     O'Doul         GHG         154

Douthit        SUN         640     Traynor        FV          720     Klein          SR          154

Lloyd          SUN         640     Jenkins, F.    KM          720     Whitney        IR          154

Smith, C       GHG         640     Combs          IR          719     Thompson       SR          154



                           Org batting leaders -- Second Chance League                             

                                Regular season -- as of 9/30/1929                                  

------Current hit streak------     ------Longest hit streak------     ------------------------------


Johnson, Ju    PC           15     Klein          SR           31                                    

Beckwith       KM           11     Johnston, W.   BT           31                                    

Gehringer      WS           10     Johnson        WS           27                                    

Comorosky      WS           10     Stearnes       QC           27                                    

Scales         GHG          10     Dixon, R       JCS          25                                    

Foxx           IR            9     Ruth           GP           23                                    

Rogan          WW            9     Terry          FV           23                                    

Heilmann       VV            8     Smith, C       GHG          23                                    

Lazzeri        BT            8     Simmons        JCS          22                                    

Simmons        JCS           8     Haas           IR           21                                    

Flournoy       KM            8     Waner,L        FV           21                                    

Goslin         FV            7     Beckwith       KM           21                                    

Gehrig         GP            7     Lloyd          SUN          21                                    

High           FV            7     Lundy          CCT          21                                    

Moore          VV            7     Wilson         VV           20                                    

Turner, C      QC            7     Scales         GHG          20                                    

Wells, W       VV            7     Herman         PC           19                                    

Johnson        WS            6     Traynor        FV           19                                    

West           WW            6     Marcell        VV           19                                    

Kelly          WW            6     Gehringer      WS           18                                    


                                 SCL DMB pitching leaders -- All players in database                         

                                          Regular season                                           

------Earned run average------     ----------Strikeouts----------     -------------Walks------------


McDonald, W    SUN        2.42     Paige, S       SUN         183     Walberg        QC          127

Hubbell        WW         3.03     Grove          VV          177     Earnshaw       WS          120

Johnson        SUN        3.08     Cooper, A      SP          160     Yokely         SR          112

Hudlin         PC         3.08     Marberry       FV          156     Gaston,M       PC          111

Kremer         SR         3.19     Foster, W      PC          148     Hadley         IR          106

Strong         PC         3.25     Williams,Joe   KM          147     Ferrell        IR          104

Cantwell       WS         3.26     Earnshaw       WS          142     Jones          BT          102

Dean, N        JCS        3.30     Pipgras        JCS         140     Trent          WW          102

Marberry       FV         3.32     Bell, W.       SR          131     Pipgras        JCS         101

Williams, John KM         3.38     Brewer         VV          130     Hensley        SUN         101

Hoyt           CCT        3.42     Charleston, P  CCT         128     Foster, W      PC           99

Bell, W.       SR         3.48     Malone         GHG         127     Strong         PC           99

Willis J       CCT        3.49     Clark          GP          125     Grimes         QC           98

Quinn          GP         3.55     Strong         PC          123     Cooper, A      SP           97

Bush           QC         3.55     Trent          WW          119     Root           JCS          95

Foster, W      PC         3.71     Salmon         GHG         113     McKain         SP           93

Morris, Y      SUN        3.72     Hadley         IR          110     May            BT           93

Hensley        SUN        3.73     Walberg        QC          109     Marberry       FV           92

Clark          GP         3.78     May            BT          103     Brandt         IR           91

Glass          FV         3.82     Root           JCS         103     Lyons          WW           90



-------------Wins-------------     ------Winning percentage------     ------Average run support-----


Strong         PC         21-8     Miller, Edw    JCS        .813     Flournoy       KM          7.4

Grimes         QC        20-12     Malone         GHG        .810     Johnson        SUN         7.3

Lucas          CCT       19-10     Dean, N        JCS        .800     Malone         GHG         7.2

Russell        WS        18-12     Wells          JCS        .737     Salmon         GHG         6.9

Brewer         VV        18-16     Strong         PC         .724     Davis, R       GHG         6.7

Malone         GHG        17-4     Salmon         GHG        .722     Strong         PC          6.7

Walberg        QC         17-9     Davis, R       GHG        .722     Lucas          CCT         6.6

Bush           QC        17-10     Seibold        BT         .714     Charleston, P  CCT         6.5

Dean, N        JCS        16-4     Morris, Y      SUN        .706     Gray           BT          6.3

Marberry       FV         16-8     McDonald, W    SUN        .700     Dean, N        JCS         6.3

Glass          FV         16-9     Kremer         SR         .688     Hensley        SUN         6.3

Foster, W      PC        16-11     Root           JCS        .682     Brewer         VV          6.2

Clark          GP        16-12     Marberry       FV         .667     Williams,Joe   KM          6.2

Paige, S       SUN       16-14     Liska          SR         .667     Root           JCS         6.1

Root           JCS        15-7     Lucas          CCT        .655     Walberg        QC          6.1

Faber          WW        15-14     Walberg        QC         .654     Russell        WS          6.0

Earnshaw       WS        15-14     Pipgras        JCS        .650     Miller         GP          5.9

Wells          JCS        14-5     Bell, W.       SR         .650     Bush           QC          5.9

McDonald, W    SUN        14-6     Hoyt           CCT        .643     Rector         SR          5.8

Hensley        SUN        14-9     Glass          FV         .640     Foster, W      PC          5.8



                       SCL DMB pitching leaders -- All players in database                         

                                          Regular season                                           

--------Batting average-------     ------On-base percentage------     ------Slugging percentage-----


McDonald, W    SUN        .211     McDonald, W    SUN        .261     McDonald, W    SUN        .304

Bell, W.       SR         .241     Bell, W.       SR         .303     Hubbell        WW         .329

Morris, Y      SUN        .244     Morris, Y      SUN        .304     Hudlin         PC         .331

Strong         PC         .248     Dean, N        JCS        .305     Johnson        SUN        .338

Hubbell        WW         .250     Hubbell        WW         .308     Lucas          CCT        .341

Walberg        QC         .250     Strong         PC         .310     Bush           QC         .341

Yokely         SR         .255     Kremer         SR         .310     Earnshaw       WS         .343

Malone         GHG        .256     Mays           WS         .313     Strong         PC         .344

Johnson        SUN        .258     Williams, John KM         .314     Williams, John KM         .346

Foster, W      PC         .259     Salmon         GHG        .316     Malone         GHG        .348

Pipgras        JCS        .262     Lucas          CCT        .320     Morris, Y      SUN        .348

Hensley        SUN        .262     Willis J       CCT        .324     Jones          FV         .356

Kremer         SR         .264     Clark          GP         .324     Walberg        QC         .357

Marberry       FV         .265     Hudlin         PC         .325     Clark          GP         .358

Williams, John KM         .268     Brewer         VV         .325     Pipgras        JCS        .364

Bush           QC         .268     Johnson        SUN        .325     Kremer         SR         .364

Williams,Joe   KM         .268     Quinn          GP         .326     Hoyt           CCT        .369

Mays           WS         .269     Bush           QC         .327     Cantwell       WS         .369

Lucas          CCT        .270     Williams,Joe   KM         .327     Grimes         QC         .369

Clark          GP         .271     Foster, W      PC         .327     Marberry       FV         .374



------Hits per 9 innings------     ------Walks per 9 innings-----     -----Runners per 9 innings----


McDonald, W    SUN         7.0     Dean, N        JCS         1.5     McDonald, W    SUN         9.2

Bell, W.       SR          8.2     Salmon         GHG         1.6     Bell, W.       SR         11.4

Walberg        QC          8.5     Davis, R       GHG         1.9     Dean, N        JCS        11.7

Morris, Y      SUN         8.6     Quinn          GP          1.9     Kremer         SR         11.7

Strong         PC          8.7     McDonald, W    SUN         1.9     Morris, Y      SUN        11.8

Hubbell        WW          8.8     Bell,C         SR          2.0     Hubbell        WW         11.9

Johnson        SUN         8.9     Russell        WS          2.1     Strong         PC         11.9

Yokely         SR          9.0     Williams, John KM          2.2     Mays           WS         12.1

Malone         GHG         9.0     Mays           WS          2.2     Williams, John KM         12.1

Hensley        SUN         9.1     Kremer         SR          2.3     Johnson        SUN        12.4

Pipgras        JCS         9.1     Alexander      JCS         2.4     Salmon         GHG        12.5

Foster, W      PC          9.2     Willis J       CCT         2.5     Quinn          GP         12.5

Kremer         SR          9.3     Faber          WW          2.5     Clark          GP         12.5

Marberry       FV          9.3     Hudlin         PC          2.6     Hudlin         PC         12.6

Bush           QC          9.5     Lucas          CCT         2.6     Lucas          CCT        12.7

Clark          GP          9.6     Holland        SUN         2.6     Willis J       CCT        12.7

Williams, John KM          9.6     Brewer         VV          2.7     Bush           QC         12.8

Earnshaw       WS          9.7     Clark          GP          2.7     Marberry       FV         12.9

Mays           WS          9.7     Miller         GP          2.7     Foster, W      PC         12.9

Jones          FV          9.7     Benton         KM          2.7     Brewer         VV         12.9



---Strikeouts per 9 innings---     ----Homeruns per 9 innings----     --Stolen bases per 9 innings--


Williams,Joe   KM          6.5     Dean, N        JCS         0.3     Bell, W.       SR          0.0

Paige, S       SUN         6.2     Hudlin         PC          0.3     Gray           BT          0.1

Cooper, A      SP          6.2     Strong         PC          0.3     Thomas         QC          0.1

Grove          VV          6.1     Williams, John KM          0.4     Foster, W      PC          0.2

Malone         GHG         5.9     Willis J       CCT         0.4     Lucas          CCT         0.2

Pipgras        JCS         5.8     Lucas          CCT         0.5     Jones          FV          0.2

Salmon         GHG         5.5     Bush           QC          0.5     Cockrell       SP          0.2

Earnshaw       WS          5.4     Paige, S       SUN         0.5     Johnson        SUN         0.2

Marberry       FV          5.2     Flournoy       KM          0.5     Walberg        QC          0.2

Foster, W      PC          5.2     Clark          GP          0.5     Rector         SR          0.2

Clark          GP          5.1     Lyons          WW          0.6     Bush           QC          0.3

Charleston, P  CCT         5.1     Earnshaw       WS          0.6     Root           JCS         0.3

Bell, W.       SR          5.1     Morris, Y      SUN         0.6     Hudlin         PC          0.3

Hadley         IR          4.8     Bell, W.       SR          0.6     Marberry       FV          0.3

Whitehill      BT          4.6     Salmon         GHG         0.6     Hubbell        WW          0.3

Trent          WW          4.6     Hubbell        WW          0.6     Mays           WS          0.3

Holland        SUN         4.6     Glass          FV          0.6     Grimes         QC          0.3

Streeter       VV          4.4     Davis, R       GHG         0.6     Earnshaw       WS          0.3

May            BT          4.4     Grimes         QC          0.6     Grove          VV          0.3

Willis J       CCT         4.1     Johnson        SUN         0.6     Holland        SUN         0.3



                       SCL DMB pitching leaders -- All players in database                         

                                          Regular season                                           

-----------Shutouts-----------     --------Quality starts--------     ---Quality start percentage---


Marberry       FV            6     Hubbell        WW           27     McDonald, W    SUN        .750

Clark          GP            4     Marberry       FV           25     Williams, John KM         .742

Grimes         QC            4     Strong         PC           24     Cantwell       WS         .731

Strong         PC            4     Williams, John KM           23     Kremer         SR         .710

Kremer         SR            3     Glass          FV           23     Hubbell        WW         .692

Root           JCS           3     Trent          WW           23     Bell, W.       SR         .677

Paige, S       SUN           3     Kremer         SR           22     Hensley        SUN        .667

Lyons          WW            3     Hudlin         PC           22     Dean, N        JCS        .667

Walberg        QC            3     Bush           QC           22     Marberry       FV         .641

Lucas          CCT           3     Foster, W      PC           22     Malone         GHG        .630

Fitzsimons     VV            3     Bell, W.       SR           21     Willis J       CCT        .630

Hubbell        WW            3     Russell        WS           21     Strong         PC         .615

Thomas         SP            2     Grimes         QC           21     Glass          FV         .605

Dean, N        JCS           2     Hensley        SUN          20     Trent          WW         .605

Salmon         GHG           2     Walberg        QC           20     Quinn          GP         .593

Morris         GP            2     Lucas          CCT          20     Hoyt           CCT        .588

Yokely         SR            2     Cantwell       WS           19     Hudlin         PC         .579

Bell, W.       SR            2     Thomas         QC           19     Bush           QC         .579

Hadley         IR            2     Grove          VV           19     Jones          FV         .577

Pipgras        JCS           2     Dean, N        JCS          18     Johnson        SUN        .571



------Save Opportunities------     -------------Saves------------     --------Save percentage-------


Haid           GP           36     Ehmke          SP           27     Ehmke          SP         .964

Carlson        WS           35     Zachary        FV           24     Braxton        WW         .786

Holloway       CCT          34     Holloway       CCT          24     Bragana        GHG        .778

Scott          QC           33     Carlson        WS           24     Zachary        FV         .727

Zachary        FV           33     Braxton        WW           22     Holloway       CCT        .706

Rommel         KM           33     Scott          QC           22     Hill           PC         .690

Hill           PC           29     Bragana        GHG          21     Carlson        WS         .686

Judd           SR           28     Haid           GP           21     Scott          QC         .667

Ehmke          SP           28     Hill           PC           20     Wells          JCS        .654

Braxton        WW           28     Rommel         KM           20     Judd           SR         .643

Bragana        GHG          27     Judd           SR           18     Rommel         KM         .606

Wells          JCS          26     Petty          GHG          17     Haid           GP         .583

Petty          GHG          19     Wells          JCS          17                                    

Dobens         BT           17     Miller, Edw    JCS          14                                    

Grabowski      SUN          16     Pennock        VV           10                                    

Pennock        VV           16     Grabowski      SUN          10                                    

Miller, Edw    JCS          16     Dobens         BT           10                                    

Hopkins        VV           14     Hopkins        VV            9                                    

Hallahan       SP           12     Rixey          FV            7                                    

Brown          WW           12     French         IR            6                                    



-------------Holds------------     ----------Blown saves---------     -----Blown save percentage----


Seibold        BT           17     Haid           GP           15     Haid           GP         .417

Smith, H       GHG          11     Rommel         KM           13     Rommel         KM         .394

Miller, Edw    JCS          11     Scott          QC           11     Judd           SR         .357

Wells          JCS          11     Carlson        WS           11     Scott          QC         .333

Ross, W        GHG          10     Judd           SR           10     Carlson        WS         .314

Coffman        WS           10     Hill           PC            9     Hill           PC         .310

Hallahan       SP            9     Zachary        FV            9     Wells          JCS        .308

Rixey          FV            8     Holloway       CCT           9     Zachary        FV         .273

Blake          FV            8     Wells          JCS           8     Holloway       CCT        .265

Stewart        CCT           8     Hallahan       SP            6     Bragana        GHG        .222

Brown          WW            8     Dobens         BT            6     Braxton        WW         .214

Collins        GP            8     Bragana        GHG           6     Ehmke          SP         .036

Gray           BT            7     Braxton        WW            6                                    

Heimach        QC            7     McDonald, W    SUN           5                                    

Henry          BT            7     Brandt         IR            5                                    

Shaute         KM            6     Gudat          QC            5                                    

Koupal         VV            6     Brown          WW            5                                    

Ash            WS            5     Hopkins        VV            5                                    

Tyler, SA      CCT           5     Pennock        VV            5                                    

Sherid         QC            5     Grabowski      SUN           5                                    

                       SCL DMB pitching leaders -- All players in database                         

                                          Regular season                                           

------------Innings-----------     ----Batters faced per game----     --------Complete games--------


Strong         PC        288.0     Williams, John KM        32.00     Grimes         QC           13

Brewer         VV        287.1     Strong         PC        31.90     McDonald, W    SUN          10

Grimes         QC        273.0     Brewer         VV        31.88     Strong         PC           10

Hudlin         PC        272.0     Kremer         SR        31.48     Brewer         VV           10

Marberry       FV        268.1     Paige, S       SUN       31.43     Dean, N        JCS           9

Hubbell        WW        267.1     Malone         GHG       31.33     Bell, W.       SR            9

Walberg        QC        266.1     Hudlin         PC        31.11     Paige, S       SUN           9

Paige, S       SUN       264.0     Yokely         SR        31.00     Russell        WS            9

Grove          VV        261.2     Cantwell       WS        30.96     Hubbell        WW            9

Lucas          CCT       258.0     Grimes         QC        30.95     Malone         GHG           8

Blaeholder     FV        257.1     Root           JCS       30.80     Whitehill      BT            8

Foster, W      PC        257.0     Davis, R       GHG       30.78     Kremer         SR            8

Russell        WS        256.2     Dean, N        JCS       30.70     Root           JCS           8

Faber          WW        255.1     Walberg        QC        30.63     Lucas          CCT           8

Thomas         QC        253.1     Cooper, A      SP        30.54     Glass          FV            8

Bush           QC        250.2     Smith,B        SP        30.14     Marberry       FV            8

Glass          FV        247.2     Salmon         GHG       30.11     Morris, Y      SUN           7

Fitzsimons     VV        244.0     Lucas          CCT       30.05     Vance          SUN           7

Lyons          WW        240.1     Blaeholder     FV        29.97     Williams,Joe   KM            7

Root           JCS       238.2     Hensley        SUN       29.97     Walberg        QC            7



------------Doubles-----------     ------------Triples-----------     -----------Homeruns-----------


Streeter       VV           73     Salmon         GHG          25     Holland        SUN          31

Brewer         VV           66     Paige, S       SUN          19     Brewer         VV           31

Williams,Joe   KM           62     Brewer         VV           18     Haines         IR           29

Charleston, P  CCT          59     Bell, W.       SR           17     Charleston, P  CCT          29

Bell,C         SR           58     Ferrell        IR           16     Faber          WW           29

Foster, W      PC           51     Williams,Joe   KM           15     Hadley         IR           28

Cockrell       SP           49     Glass          FV           15     Jones          BT           28

Cooper, A      SP           48     Strong         PC           15     Root           JCS          28

Davis, R       GHG          47     Cooper, A      SP           14     Cockrell       SP           27

Strong         PC           45     Dean, N        JCS          13     Marberry       FV           27

Salmon         GHG          44     Flournoy       KM           12     Sorrell        IR           26

Ferrell        IR           44     Foster, W      PC           12     Trent          WW           26

Hensley        SUN          44     Ryan, R        GP           11     Blaeholder     FV           25

Trent          WW           42     Bell,C         SR           11     Walberg        QC           25

Benton         KM           41     Gaston,M       PC           11     Rector         SR           24

Rector         SR           41     Trent          WW           11     Ferrell        IR           24

Bell, W.       SR           41     Benton         KM           10     Grove          VV           24

Yokely         SR           41     Hensley        SUN          10     Kremer         SR           23

Holland        SUN          39     Lyons          WW           10     Fitzsimons     VV           23

Glass          FV           39     Faber          WW           10     Ryan, R        GP           21



                       SCL DMB pitching leaders -- All players in database                         

                                          Regular season                                           

---------Stolen bases---------     -------Steal percentage-------     -----------Pickoffs-----------


Pipgras        JCS          24     Marberry       FV         .471     Crowder        CCT           4

Cantwell       WS           21     Charleston, P  CCT        .500     Blaeholder     FV            4

Brewer         VV           21     Blaeholder     FV         .522     Dean, N        JCS           3

Trent          WW           21     Paige, S       SUN        .545     Earnshaw       WS            3

Cooper, A      SP           20     Luque          KM         .556     Grimes         QC            3

Yokely         SR           19     May            BT         .600     Whitehill      BT            3

Fitzsimons     VV           18     Strong         PC         .625     Strong         PC            3

Hoyt           CCT          17     Gaston,M       PC         .625     Trent          WW            3

Sorrell        IR           17     Hadley         IR         .632     Walker         FV            2

Willis J       CCT          16     Kremer         SR         .667     Wells          JCS           2

Jones          BT           16     Streeter       VV         .684     Frankhouse     PC            2

Strong         PC           15     Williams, John KM         .684     Hallahan       SP            2

Petty          GHG          14     Hensley        SUN        .684     Uhle           GHG           2

Lyons          WW           14     Alexander      JCS        .688     Walberg        QC            2

Ruffing        GHG          13     Brandt         IR         .706     Thomas         QC            2

Clark          GP           13     Sorrell        IR         .708     Lucas          CCT           2

Streeter       VV           13     Clark          GP         .722     Seibold        BT            2

Williams, John KM           13     Pipgras        JCS        .750     Marberry       FV            2

Hensley        SUN          13     Trent          WW         .750     Brandt         IR            2

Miller         GP           12     Fitzsimons     VV         .750     Hadley         IR            2



---------Hit by pitch---------     ---------Wild pitches---------     -------------Balks------------


McKain         SP           18     Gaston,M       PC           17     Hallahan       SP            5

Rector         SR           15     Brewer         VV           13     Fitzsimons     VV            4

Faber          WW           14     Earnshaw       WS           12     Donohue        WS            3

Marberry       FV           14     Brown          WW           10     Rommel         KM            3

Bell,C         SR           13     Bell, W.       SR           10     Mitchell       GP            3

Yokely         SR           13     Fitzsimons     VV            9     Ferrell        IR            3

Bell, W.       SR           12     Grove          VV            8     Lucas          CCT           3

Meine          WS           11     Hallahan       SP            7     Ogden          SR            2

Earnshaw       WS           10     Morris         GP            7     Pennock        VV            2

Lee, S.        KM            9     Clark          GP            7     Frankhouse     PC            2

Johnson        SUN           9     Faber          WW            6     Johnson        SUN           2

Williams,Joe   KM            9     Liska          SR            5     Quinn          GP            2

Hensley        SUN           9     French         IR            5     Whitehill      BT            2

Williams, John KM            9     Mitchell       GP            5     Bell, W.       SR            2

Trent          WW            9     Jones          FV            5     Thomas         QC            2

Fitzsimons     VV            9     Gray           BT            5     Marberry       FV            2

Brewer         VV            9     Trent          WW            5     Brewer         VV            2

Hadley         IR            8     Johnson        SP            4     Collins        IR            1

Cooper, A      SP            8     Ehrhardt       SP            4     Moore          JCS           1

Dihigo         GHG           7     Ash            WS            4     Wells          JCS           1



-------------Games------------     ------------Starts------------     ---------Batters faced--------


Seibold        BT          101     Grove          VV           40     Brewer         VV         1275

Braxton        WW           98     Brewer         VV           40     Strong         PC         1244

Haid           GP           92     Russell        WS           39     Grimes         QC         1207

Collins        GP           90     Faber          WW           39     Grove          VV         1187

Wells          JCS          86     Thomas         QC           39     Hudlin         PC         1182

Hill           PC           78     Marberry       FV           39     Marberry       FV         1164

Henry          BT           77     Earnshaw       WS           39     Walberg        QC         1164

Brown          WW           75     Jones          BT           39     Paige, S       SUN        1163

Stewart        CCT          73     May            BT           39     Faber          WW         1159

Rommel         KM           73     Grimes         QC           39     Hubbell        WW         1151

Blake          FV           72     Strong         PC           39     Russell        WS         1142

Carlson        WS           71     Foster, W      PC           39     Lucas          CCT        1142

Frankhouse     PC           70     Hubbell        WW           39     Blaeholder     FV         1139

Zachary        FV           69     Gaston,M       PC           38     Thomas         QC         1135

Haines         IR           69     Lyons          WW           38     Foster, W      PC         1132

Pennock        VV           68     Hudlin         PC           38     Lyons          WW         1107

Liska          SR           67     Walberg        QC           38     Bush           QC         1100

Shores         QC           66     Lucas          CCT          38     Fitzsimons     VV         1099

Miller, Edw    JCS          66     Fitzsimons     VV           38     Glass          FV         1099

Coffman        WS           65     Bush           QC           38     Earnshaw       WS         1087



                       SCL DMB pitching leaders -- All players in database                         

                                          Regular season                                           

--------Games finished--------     Runners left scored percentage      Inherited runners scored pct  


Haid           GP           69     Root           JCS        .100     Herring        GP         .160

Braxton        WW           64     Fitzsimons     VV         .150     Shores         QC         .182

Carlson        WS           55     Holland        SUN        .182     Wright H       GHG        .185

Scott          QC           50     Charleston, P  CCT        .190     Wells          JCS        .256

Rommel         KM           50     Blaeholder     FV         .200     McGraw         VV         .257

Hill           PC           49     Hadley         IR         .211     MacFayden      IR         .273

Holloway       CCT          47     Strong         PC         .222     Burke          VV         .273

Zachary        FV           45     Hensley        SUN        .238     Ehmke          SP         .275

Wells          JCS          44     Clark          GP         .250     Hallahan       SP         .280

Ehmke          SP           40     Cockrell       SP         .250     Rixey          FV         .282

Judd           SR           37     Cooper, A      SP         .263     Cunningham     VV         .288

Bragana        GHG          37     McDonald, W    SUN        .286     Heimach        QC         .290

Nehf           SR           37     Bell, W.       SR         .286     Blake          FV         .291

Cunningham     VV           34     Hoyt           CCT        .292     Scott          QC         .300

Pennock        VV           34     Dean, N        JCS        .300     Miller, Edw    JCS        .313

Brown          WW           34     Cantwell       WS         .308     Swetonic       PC         .314

Miller, Edw    JCS          33     Jones          FV         .313     Curry          KM         .320

Seibold        BT           33     Pipgras        JCS        .313     Hoyt           CCT        .323

Dobens         BT           30     Ferrell        IR         .314     Haid           GP         .324

Frankhouse     PC           29     Yokely         SR         .318     Mays           WS         .324



--------Ground ball DP--------     -----------Decisions----------     ------------Losses------------


Grimes         QC           40     Brewer         VV           34     Streeter       VV         5-21

Grove          VV           36     Grimes         QC           32     May            BT         7-21

Root           JCS          35     Hubbell        WW           32     Hubbell        WW        13-19

Earnshaw       WS           32     Paige, S       SUN          30     Zachary        FV         6-18

Russell        WS           32     Russell        WS           30     Bell,C         SR         7-17

Gaston,M       PC           31     Lyons          WW           29     Jones          BT         8-17

Hudlin         PC           31     Lucas          CCT          29     Grove          VV        11-17

Lyons          WW           28     Faber          WW           29     Fitzsimons     VV        11-17

Marberry       FV           28     Earnshaw       WS           29     Gaston,M       PC        10-16

Walberg        QC           28     Strong         PC           29     Trent          WW        10-16

Blaeholder     FV           26     Clark          GP           28     Ferrell        IR        11-16

McKain         SP           25     Blaeholder     FV           28     Blaeholder     FV        12-16

Clark          GP           25     Fitzsimons     VV           28     Lyons          WW        13-16

Pipgras        JCS          25     May            BT           28     Brewer         VV        18-16

Hensley        SUN          25     Grove          VV           28     Carlson        WS         9-15

Foster, W      PC           25     Bush           QC           27     Benton         KM         4-14

Bush           QC           24     Foster, W      PC           27     Holloway       CCT        8-14

Strong         PC           23     Ferrell        IR           27     Ryan, R        GP         9-14

Morris         GP           22     Streeter       VV           26     Faber          WW        15-14

Jones          BT           22     Gaston,M       PC           26     Earnshaw       WS        15-14