Org transaction log -- Second Chance League
Regular season

4/30/1933BTCamilliDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/30/1933GPStumpfDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/30/1933PAWHarrisPromoted to active roster  Before
4/30/1933VVWeintraubPromoted to active roster  Before
4/30/1933VVYerkesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/1933QCMarcumDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/1933QCRicePromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/1933QCYoung, TDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/15/1933VVBergPromoted to active roster  Before
5/15/1933VVJoseph, N.Demoted to reserve roster  Before
5/20/1933CCTGoochSigned  Before
5/30/1933BTDavisSigned  Before
5/30/1933BTWhiteheadDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/30/1933CCTCookeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/30/1933CCTGisentanerPromoted to active roster  Before
5/30/1933CCTHamlinDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/30/1933CCTKerrPromoted to active roster  Before
5/30/1933CCTThevenowDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/30/1933FVBocekDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/30/1933GHGLeeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/30/1933GHGStortiPromoted to active roster  Before
5/30/1933GHGThomas, CSigned  Before
5/30/1933GHGThomas, CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/30/1933GPBoltonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/30/1933GPCoffmanPromoted to active roster  Before
5/30/1933GPRhynePromoted to active roster  Before
5/30/1933GPStarrSigned  Before
5/30/1933GPStarrDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/30/1933PAWHenshawDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/30/1933PAWMcAfeeSigned  Before
5/30/1933PAWMcAfeeDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/30/1933PAWMcAfeePromoted to active roster  Before
5/30/1933PCDesautelsSigned  Before
5/30/1933PCDesautelsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/30/1933SUNKnotheSigned  Before
5/30/1933SUNKnotheDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/30/1933VVJacksonSigned  Before
5/30/1933VVJoseph, N.Demoted to reserve roster  Before
5/30/1933VVJoseph, N.Promoted to active roster  Before
5/30/1933VVOmsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
5/30/1933WWHerrmannPromoted to active roster  Before
5/30/1933WWJacksonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/4/1933SUNKnothePromoted to active roster  Before
6/14/1933BTMorganDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/14/1933MNAndrews, JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/14/1933QCFinneyPromoted to active roster  Before
6/14/1933QCMcCurdyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/19/1933CCTCookePromoted to active roster  Before
6/19/1933CCTGisentanerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/23/1933NSMLaryTraded awayPAW After
6/23/1933PAWLaryAcquired via tradeNSM After
6/24/1933NSMBluegeSigned  Before
6/24/1933PAWMorneyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/28/1933QCCollinsAcquired via tradeSUN After
6/28/1933QCPaddenAcquired via tradeSUN After
6/28/1933QCRixeyTraded awaySUN After
6/28/1933QCSwansonTraded awaySUN After
6/28/1933SUNCollinsTraded awayQC After
6/28/1933SUNPaddenTraded awayQC After
6/28/1933SUNRixeyAcquired via tradeQC After
6/28/1933SUNSwansonAcquired via tradeQC After
6/29/1933BTFothergillDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/29/1933FVMcCollDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/29/1933GHGMcLeodSigned  Before
6/29/1933GPComoroskyPromoted to active roster  Before
6/29/1933GPStone, E.Demoted to reserve roster  Before
6/29/1933PAWMcKeithanPromoted to active roster  Before
6/29/1933PAWMorneyPromoted to active roster  Before
6/29/1933SUNBenjaminDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/29/1933SUNChagnonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
6/29/1933SUNSullivanPromoted to active roster  Before
6/29/1933VVWeintraubDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/5/1933CCTGisentanerPromoted to active roster  Before
7/5/1933CCTGoochDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/5/1933CCTHoytDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/5/1933CCTThevenowPromoted to active roster  Before
7/5/1933MNRectorAcquired via tradeWW After
7/5/1933MNSuhrTraded awayWW After
7/5/1933PAWPowersPromoted to active roster  Before
7/5/1933SUNBenjaminPromoted to active roster  Before
7/5/1933SUNPhelpsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/5/1933WWRectorTraded awayMN After
7/5/1933WWSuhrAcquired via tradeMN After
7/10/1933JCSGrabowskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/10/1933JCSSwetonicPromoted to active roster  Before
7/10/1933SUNHarris, VDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/15/1933JCSBokenPromoted to active roster  Before
7/15/1933JCSDixon, RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/15/1933PAWBurnettDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/15/1933SUNCooper, ADemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/15/1933SUNDevensPromoted to active roster  Before
7/15/1933SUNDukesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/15/1933SUNRobelloPromoted to active roster  Before
7/20/1933BTEnglishPromoted to active roster  Before
7/20/1933BTMackeyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/20/1933BTUhlePromoted to active roster  Before
7/20/1933BTWalkerPromoted to active roster  Before
7/20/1933FVRiceDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/20/1933FVZacharyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/20/1933GHGScalesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/20/1933GHGWilson, JDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/20/1933JCSDixon, RPromoted to active roster  Before
7/20/1933JCSGrabowskiPromoted to active roster  Before
7/20/1933MNTroskyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/20/1933NSMFreyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/20/1933NSMJenkins, F.Demoted to reserve roster  Before
7/20/1933SUNPhelpsPromoted to active roster  Before
7/20/1933WSLeiberDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/24/1933CCTSmithAcquired via tradeWW After
7/24/1933CCTStreeterTraded awayWW After
7/24/1933WWSmithTraded awayCCT After
7/24/1933WWStreeterAcquired via tradeCCT After
7/25/1933CCTGoochPromoted to active roster  Before
7/25/1933CCTWilliams, NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
7/29/1933GHGMcLeodTraded awayVV After
7/29/1933GHGMorrisseyAcquired via tradeVV After
7/29/1933VVMcLeodAcquired via tradeGHG After
7/29/1933VVMorrisseyTraded awayGHG After
7/30/1933PAWBurnettPromoted to active roster  Before
7/30/1933PAWLaryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/3/1933MNAdamsTraded awaySUN After
8/3/1933MNBengeAcquired via tradeSUN After
8/3/1933MNRectorTraded awaySUN After
8/3/1933MNWhitneyAcquired via tradeSUN After
8/3/1933SUNAdamsAcquired via tradeMN After
8/3/1933SUNBengeTraded awayMN After
8/3/1933SUNRectorAcquired via tradeMN After
8/3/1933SUNWhitneyTraded awayMN After
8/4/1933BTManionSigned  Before
8/4/1933BTPicinichDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1933CCTBrickellPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1933CCTFullisDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1933CCTGoochDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1933CCTGoochPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1933CCTHoytPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1933CCTThevenowDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1933CCTWilliams, NPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1933GHGDavis, RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1933GHGSalvesonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1933GPBeverlyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1933GPSchareinPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1933GPSnowDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1933GPStarrPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1933IRCampbellPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1933IRRaglandPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1933JCSCrabtreePromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1933JCSDixon, RDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1933JCSGrabowskiDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1933MNBrownPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1933MNDouthitPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1933MNDurhamDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1933MNRectorDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1933NSMDietrichPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1933NSMEnglishPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1933NSMGregoryPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1933NSMThompson, SPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1933NSMWilliiams, JIDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1933PAWHenshawPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1933SUNPaige, SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1933SUNPhelpsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1933SUNRectorPromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1933VVBrewerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1933VVJoseph, N.Promoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1933VVJudgePromoted to active roster  Before
8/4/1933VVMyattDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1933WSNelsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/4/1933WWAlmadaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/9/1933SUNHargraveSigned  Before
8/9/1933SUNHargraveDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/9/1933VVJoseph, N.Promoted to active roster  Before
8/9/1933VVJudgePromoted to active roster  Before
8/14/1933CCTHornsbyPromoted to active roster  Before
8/19/1933BTHolloway, CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933CCTHoytDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933CCTWilliams, NDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933FVWalkerDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933GHGDavis, SADemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933GHGGrimmPromoted to active roster  Before
8/19/1933GHGHodappDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933GHGLewisPromoted to active roster  Before
8/19/1933GHGMoorePromoted to active roster  Before
8/19/1933GHGO'DoulDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933GHGPalmDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933GHGSalazarDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933GHGSpencerPromoted to active roster  Before
8/19/1933GHGThomas, CPromoted to active roster  Before
8/19/1933GPDulaDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933GPWilliamsDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933JCSTaylor, LDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933MNHendrickDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933MNJensenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933NSMEnglishDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933NSMHutchesonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933NSMWhite, CDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933PAWMorneyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933PCHudlinDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933QCHackDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933QCStearnesDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933SUNBossDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933SUNGiles, G.Promoted to active roster  Before
8/19/1933VVRyanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933VVWilsonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/19/1933WWWeaverDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/24/1933PAWMcKeithanDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/24/1933PCDesautelsPromoted to active roster  Before
8/25/1933JCSRootDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/29/1933CCTFullisPromoted to active roster  Before
8/29/1933CCTHornsbyDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/29/1933CCTPeelPromoted to active roster  Before
8/29/1933CCTTaylorDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/29/1933JCSJorgensPromoted to active roster  Before
8/29/1933SUNHollandDemoted to reserve roster  Before
8/30/1933JCSAllenDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/3/1933CCTBrickellDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/3/1933FVTerryDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/3/1933GHGSalmonDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/3/1933GHGWright HDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/3/1933JCSAllenPromoted to active roster  Before
9/3/1933JCSRootPromoted to active roster  Before
9/3/1933NSMBeckwithDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/3/1933NSMPepperPromoted to active roster  Before
9/3/1933NSMThompson, SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/3/1933PAWBurnettDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/3/1933PCFoster, WDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/3/1933QCBrownDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/3/1933SUNRectorDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/3/1933VVBurbageDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/3/1933VVJoseph, N.Demoted to reserve roster  Before
9/3/1933VVWells, WDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/3/1933WWHerrmannDemoted to reserve roster  Before
9/3/1933WWJones, SDemoted to reserve roster  Before
4/28/2024CCTFrederickTraded awayVV After
4/28/2024CCTMangumAcquired via tradeSUN After
4/28/2024CCTPipgrasAcquired via tradeJCS After
4/28/2024CCTSwetonicTraded awayJCS After
4/28/2024IRBengeTraded awaySUN After
4/28/2024IRHaasTraded awayPC After
4/28/2024JCSPipgrasTraded awayCCT After
4/28/2024JCSSwetonicAcquired via tradeCCT After
4/28/2024PCHaasAcquired via tradeIR After
4/28/2024SUNBengeAcquired via tradeIR After
4/28/2024SUNMangumTraded awayCCT After
4/28/2024VVFrederickAcquired via tradeCCT After
5/12/2024CCTCharlestonTraded awayVV After
5/12/2024CCTFullisAcquired via tradeVV After
5/12/2024CCTStreeterAcquired via tradeVV After
5/12/2024CCTWeintraubTraded awayVV After
5/12/2024IRWhitneyTraded awaySUN After
5/12/2024SUNWhitneyAcquired via tradeIR After
5/12/2024VVCharlestonAcquired via tradeCCT After
5/12/2024VVFullisTraded awayCCT After
5/12/2024VVStreeterTraded awayCCT After
5/12/2024VVWeintraubAcquired via tradeCCT After